#TakeMeHome list

100 | Cheselyn Amato | Four Kinds of Cubit: Personal, Social, Public, Divine

101 | Ronit keret | 4 cubits. 4 religions | Ronitkeret.com

102, 103, 104 | Shlomit Mandelkern | Balcony, Porch, Terrace | https://www.facebook.com/shlomit.mandelkern

105 | Nouli Omer | “O no” Homage to Edvard Munch | nouliomer.com 

106 | Imri Pniel | Babel

107 | Sigal Yaar | The Pool | | www.sigalyaar.com

108 | Lipaz golan | Deep Thought | Lipazgolan.com

109, 110, 111 | Hadar Alfasi | Paper Dress | hadar.alfasi (instagram)

112 | Sergey Bunkov | Naturmort

113 | Tzlil Bendrihem | White Escape | bendrihemart.com

114 | Irit Yatziv | As You Are | www.irityatziv.com

115 | Tzlil Bendrihem | My Mother or My Lover | bendrihemart.com

116 | Sivan Cohen | Creation of the Ancient

117 | Jane Labaton | Emotional Freeze Frame 1 | https://janelabaton.pb.studio

118 | Ben Hantkant | Land of Milk and Honey 

119 | Tamar Benin | Fish for Saturday Night, no. 1

120 | Lia Baratz | The Secret of Our Love

121 | Mel Brown | Breishis 78

122 | Leora Wise | Arum

123 | Lia Baratz | The Cherry Branch

124 | Mel Brown | Breishis 74

125 | Leora Wise | Fig

126 | Lia Baratz | Spicy Peppers

127 | Leora Wise | Thistle

128 | Linda L. Altabef | Turning Point | LindaL.Altabef

129 | Linda L. Altabef | Blooming | LindaL.Altabef

130 | Rinat Hadar | Ancient Aramaic Calligraphy 

131 | Studio Yarnatak - Maria Feigin & Geaya Blory |
Made By Who? | https://www.yarnatak.com/

132 | Nava Lee- Tal | Green Salad
nava_leetal972 (instagram)

133 | Nava Lee- Tal | Red Map with White Dots
nava_leetal972 (instagram)

134 | Yael Oren | Untitled (176)

135 | Yael Oren | The Four Elements II (167) | http://www.yaeloren.com/

136 | Yael Oren | Untitled (201) | http://www.yaeloren.com/

137 | Chen Valiano | To the King of Peace 

138 | Chen Valiano | A Scrambled Deck of Cards

139 | Danielle Binstock | Untitled (Kipa)

140 | Natali Issahary | Eclipse | https://www.natalissahary.com/

141 | Dor Perez | Paraphrase | https://dorfix.wixsite.com/mysite-7

142 | Beverly Barkat | Untitled

143 | Shirly Schweitzer | Blue  | shirly_schweitzer (instagram)

144 | Yael Fink | Transitional Objects | pinkystudio_art (instagram)

145 | Einat Lev Ari | Folk Dancing | https://el-art.co.il

146 | Anonymous Artist | Untitled

147 | Shirly Schweitzer | Oker  | shirly_schweitzer (instagram)

148 | Jared Bernstein | Courageous Chicken 

149 | Itai Shaked | RoseHead | www.itaishaked.com 

150 | Itai Shaked | Medieval Flower  | www.itaishaked.com 

151 | Adi Bezael | Golden  | Www.adibezalel.com

152 | Adi Bezael | Oven | Www.adibezalel.com

153 | Adi Bezael | Two Eagles | Www.adibezalel.com

154 | Marcelo Lauber | Bodegon - a Homage to Francisco Zurbaran

155 | Maxim Kharitonov | Untitled 

156 | Yehuda Granit | Head (after J. M. Basquiat)

157 | Maya Smira | Parasoul 1 

158 | Maya Smira | Parasoul 2

159 | Yael Hovav | A Hilltop View over Givat Amal | https://www.yaelhovav.com/

160 | Yael Hovav | Pigeon Droppings over Akirov | https://www.yaelhovav.com/

161 | Yael Hovav | High Rise Cleaner | https://www.yaelhovav.com/

162 | Caron Greenblatt | Bathing | https://carongreenblatt.wixsite.com/artwork

163 | Nava Lee- Tal | Bending, Armchair | nava_leetal972 (instagram)

164 | Tamar Kosman | Rooftops  | tamarkosman.arts (instagram)

165 | Caron Greenblatt | Man at Window | https://carongreenblatt.wixsite.com/artwork

166 | Vivian Hirsch Birkenfeld | Pigeons | https://www.arteria.co.il/vivianhirschbirkenfeld 

167 | Tamar Kosman | Alone on the Beach (First Lockdown, Eilat) | tamarkosman.arts (instagram)

168 | Tirza Oren | Jerusalem is Most Beautiful of All the Countries  | Tirza Oren (facebook)  

169 | Ami Shinar

170 | Debbie Kampell | Jerusalem Rooftops 

171 | Zavi Apfelbaum | Reflecting Bridge, by Florence

172 | Ruth Tal | West Window | ruth k.t.art (instagram)

173 | Meir Zukerman | Lulim Shel Kfar Vitkin

174 | Debora Leah Louis | At the Beach | www.deboraleahlouis.com

175 | Debbie Kampell | Israeli Landscape

176 | Shulamit Near | Jerusalem Panorama First version | https://shulamitnear.com/

177 | Shulamit Near | Acre | https://shulamitnear.com/

178 | Debbie Kampell | Kanfei Nesharim Trees

179 | Beverley-Jane Stewart | Digital Imprisonment | Beverleyjanestewart.com

180 | Beverley-Jane Stewart | Locked In | Beverleyjanestewart.com

181 | Maria Merfeld | The Way We Look | mariamerfeld.com

182 | Rinat Izhak | Art T Shok 2 | www.rinatizhaki.com

183 | Osnat Shapira | Into the Forest | osnatapter (instagram)

184 | Judith Margolis | Awake at Night | www.judithmargolis.com

185 | Judith Margolis | Waiting to Be Born | www.judithmargolis.com

186 | Judith Margolis | Horsehands Black Beauty | www.judithmargolis.com

187 | Edna Miron-Wapner | Ten Commandments | ednamironwapner

188 | Omri Danino | Ziva

189 | Edna Miron-Wapner | Song at the Sea | ednamironwapner

190 | Edna Miron-Wapner | Let There Be Light | ednamironwapner

191 | Ma’ayan | Woman in Aubergine 72

192 | Debora Leah Louis | Ink | www.deboraleahlouis.com

193 | Dasi Shalom Nimni | Dream | dasi529 (instagram)

194 | Anne Ben-Or | Ella | www.annebenor.com

195 | Debora Leah Louis | Autumn | www.deboraleahlouis.com

196 | Anne Ben-Or | Annunciation | www.annebenor.com

197, 198 | Michal Rejwan | Annunciation

199 | Atalia Shachar | Cultural Marks I | www.facebook.com/atalias 

200 | Atalia Shachar | Cultural Marks I | www.facebook.com/atalias 

201 | Anat Levin | Halake- The First Haircut | https://www.anat-levin.com

202 | Anat Levin | The Master | https://www.anat-levin.com

203 | Anat Levin | Self Portrait  | https://www.anat-levin.com

204 | Carol Shmeuli | Diamonds

205 | Ran Blau | Luna | https://www.faydesign.org/

206 | Inbar Carmel Dekel | Self Portrait  | Carmel.inbar@gmail.com

207 | Vardi Bobrow | Source of the World 

208 | Avner Sher

209 | Rina Peled | Eden | Agripas12gallery.com

210 | Binyamin Basteker | The High Priest 

211 | Yoram Raanan | Jester(s) | Yoramraanan.com

212 | Hadassa Eylam | Jerusalem Picture | https://hds1111.wixsite.com/hadassa-art

213 | Raquel Sanchez | Splash

214 | Raquel Sanchez | West, East, North, South 

215 | Bat El Elfasi | Aisha | Batel Elfasi Art (instagram)

216 | Haim Lewit | Alone

217 | Orit Bachrach

218 | Orit Bachrach

219 | Orit Bachrach

220 | Haim Lewit | Thoughtful

221 | Osnat Oliva | After Della Rubbia | https://osnatoliva.wixsite.com/website

222 | Haim Lewit | Who is There

223 | Osnat Oliva | After Della Rubbia | https://osnatoliva.wixsite.com/website

224 | Nir Artzi | Sabra | | www.nirartzi.com

225 | Nir Artzi | Sabra || | www.nirartzi.com

226 | Assaf Shani | Outpost V11

227 | Assaf Shani | Outpost V6

228 | Assaf Shani | Outpost V8

229 | Nir Artzi | The old Charro | www.nirartzi.com

230 | Alexandra Danzig (Dvorkin) | Trees  | https://alexandradvorkin.wixsite.com/photopraphyart 

231 | Alexandra Danzig (Dvorkin) | Square | https://alexandradvorkin.wixsite.com/photopraphyart 

232 | Mindy Weisel

233 | Hadas Duchan | The Embroidery of the Night | https://www.hadasduchan.com/

234 | Chani Zada-Cohen | Shachris

235 | Beverley-Jane Stewart

236 | Michal Greenboim

237 | Hadas Duchan | Out of Space | https://www.hadasduchan.com/

238 | An Simin | Flower From Home

239 | Mor Gal | Under the Mount of Olives | https://morgal263.wixsite.com/morgal 

240 | Caron Greenblatt | Basmah at Home | https://carongreenblatt.wixsite.com/artwork

241 | Itai Shaked | Mediterranean vision with the letter 'Bet'  | www.itaishaked.com 

242 | Chaya Vance | The Dance

243 | Ricki Maissy | The Dybbuk | https://www.artdoxa.com/users/maissymaissymaissy/profile

244 | Moshe Ronen | כאייל תערוג

245, 246 | Ella Taub Atadgi | Untitled | elate.com

247 | Ahoron Kritzer | The Walk/ in Shechinah | http://xn--4dbffhj.co.il/

248 | Moshe Sigel | Pico de Orizaba | Moshe Sigel Art (instagram)

249 | Guy Sebbag “SMIG” | Where is Charlie | www.smigonline.com

250 | Avner Sher | Jerusalem 950 sqm no.6

251 | MIra Maylor

252 | MIra Maylor

253 | Sigal Maor

254 | Ophira Spitz | Untitled

255 | Guy Sebbag “SMIG” | Moses and the 12 Tribes | www.smigonline.com

256 | SKETCHLIGHT Reut Vagner, Aria Geler | The Aura of Prayer  | sketchlight.net

257 | SKETCHLIGHT Reut Vagner, Aria Geler | Star of David  | sketchlight.net

258 | Noa Reichenberg | Falling from Grace  | https://www.noa-art.co.il/

259 | Noa Reichenberg | A Dream Within a Dream | https://www.noa-art.co.il/

260 | Anna Bessonova | Delicious Summer Dessert 

261 | Edith Alfasi | Blessing

262 | Edith Alfasi | Notes from Above 

263 | Anna Bessonova | Tricycle Dream 

264 | Selena Rojhani | The Rebbe’s Embrace
selenarojhanifineart (instagram)

265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270 | Sara Shira Cutler

271 | Yona Levi-Grossman

272 | Ruth Facktorovich

273 | Shirley Avrami | A Night in the Garden

274 | Einat Lev Ari | I Liked Too | https://el-art.co.il

275 | Ran Blau | Beehive | https://www.faydesign.org/

276 | Tsirulnik Lena | Summer Day | https://www.studiozikit.co.il/

277 | Tsirulnik Lena | Melancholic fish | https://www.studiozikit.co.il/

278 | Meryl Cohen | Standout | https://www.merylcohen.com

279 | Sara Shira-Cutler

280 | Zohar Ron | Time Frames | https://zoharon.myportfolio.com 

281 | Zohar Ron | Longings  | https://zoharon.myportfolio.com 

282 | Salman Ezzammoury | Girl with an Accordion | www.salmanezzammoury.com 

283 | Sara Shira-Cutler

284 | Zohar Ron | Childhood Roots | https://zoharon.myportfolio.com 

285 | Yoram Raanan | Flight or Fight | Yoramraanan.com

286 | Galia Sasson | Lamed Table

287, 288 | Galia Sasson | Kuf Light

289 | Aaron Paz | Why are you reading in the dark?

290 | Ella Barsky

291 | Dahlia Geffen