Guided Tours

The Jerusalem Biennale Team is excited to invite you to visit Biennale2015 in one of our Guided Tours.

Explore with us the different perspectives of Contemporary Jewish Art.

Hear the back-stories of the Exhibitions, Art Works, Artists and Organizers.

And see some of the shows that are open for groups only.

For further information and any questions, please write us to:


The Biennale offers three main Tour Tracks:


The Tower of David Museum – JERUSALEM.PASSAGE

The Global Heritage Center for North African Jews - BEZALEL: IN&OUT

The Skirball Museum at the Hebrew Union College - TRANSPARENT/OPAQUE


The Van Leer Research Institute's Polonsky Building - NEW YORK, NEW WORK + IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN THE BOOK

The First Train Station - WOMEN OF THE BOOK

The Achim Hasid Complex on Emek Rephai'm - 7,567MI→



The Hechal Shlomo Museum - IMA IYLA'A: THE ART OF MOTHERHOOD

The Skirball Museum at the Hebrew Union College - TRANSPERANT/OPEAQU

The First Train Station - WOMEN OF THE BOOK



More Information about our Tours

Tour Length: 3 hours

Maximum number of participants: 25

Cost: 1,200NIS per group

60NIS per person for our special Succot tours


Book a guided tour at Biennale2015 for your group HERE: